size with scrollbars is 1440 x 718 px
size without scrollbars is 1440 x 718 px
orientation is landscape
Bootstrap 5 breakpoint
safe-area-inset-top: 0px
safe-area-inset-right: 0px
safe-area-inset-bottom: 0px
safe-area-inset-left: 0px
size with scrollbars is 1440 x 718 px
size without scrollbars is 1440 x 718 px
orientation is landscape
Bootstrap 5 breakpoint
safe-area-inset-top: 0px
safe-area-inset-right: 0px
safe-area-inset-bottom: 0px
safe-area-inset-left: 0px
It might not be available on your device.
Screen size is 1440x718 css pixels
The device pixel ratio (physical/css pixels) is 100% (1.00)
Time zone UTC
stack size 2
Connection status online
Connection effective type 4g
Approximate download bandwidth 10
Language en-US, preferred locales en-US
Cookies enabled
Do not track flag is set to false
This device has at least 8GB of RAM.
User agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/ Safari/537.36 Prerender (+
Preferred color scheme light
Reduced motion no preference
Device input mechanism supports hover
Pointer mechanism